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Order Online
NO. Name Price Qty SubTotal
AC2023-1 雙重靜電真空壓縮袋 (旅遊組合) 690
AC2023-2 靜電壓縮真空收納袋(換季組合) 890
AC027 蛋白生物洗衣酵素4L(買大送小) 1200
AC017 萬用油脂分解酵素4L(買大送小) 1200
AC016 超濃縮萬用油脂分解酵素1L 320
AC026 蛋白生物洗衣酵素1L 320
Shipping fee(free when total more than 1200.) 120
Buyer Info.
Hope arrival time: Another day
Payment method Pay on delivery LINE Pay
*Buyer: *Mobile phone: Tel: ext:
The same with buyer
*Receiver: *Mobile phone: Tel: ext:
Receipt info.
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